began innocently, on the willingness to participate in one project, ethnographic. Although it is not my specialty - the idea is slowly germinated, grown up enough that he could not be rejected. So I filed a card, I got to the list, I packed my things and went "by rail" at the end of Polish.
fear - that "something" I forgot.
Fear - before what? - Who? be.
Sadness - because half of me is.
excitement - the subject and place!
relief - because someone you know is going.
Poznan - 7.30 - a crowd of people. Strategic place - the lobby. Empty. Ticket, CUD, the free "Students in Gdansk, plus a bike." Dr - is such an official - "no title", that kind of first name I say? Mixing ... Strategic place - a hall for the second time, and suddenly "In ch * j P. I'm so pleased, we're going together to Stutthof," and then biedra and snacks.
8.15 platform No. 3 - I, bike, backpack + 12th a similar picture times It will be good? Kiss goodbye. Bike-pack-ja steel interior of the wagon. "I'll write. Hello! "
pięciogodzinne trip Warsi, one cup of coffee, a stack of notes on his lap. Talking about nothing and everything to nowopoznanymi. Occasional trips to the back of the train to check the "state" bike (like a dangerous, shackled bandits). The great discovery of the mechanism integrating the water in the train toilet. Rapidly changing views through the window. Anxiety? What am I doing? Where do I go? No doubt ... the time, the station -
Gdańsk Main - severity backpack is not giving up improved. Hurry! Ja-backpack-bike. Stairs down. Are you coming? Stairs up. Ku ***! It's hard. "Leave backpacks and bicycles. Beetles will go. " Bike-pack-HI - Goshia - quickly to the bus station. Stairs down. "You buy a ticket?" "Two children to Stutthof." Stairs up. People crowd. No seats. Let's move on. Rapidly changing images. Church, tram 19, a loop, church, bridge, Gdansk refinery ... "See the fire burning up the chimney." At night, it must look adorable. Excavators, sand, metal-concrete viaduct structures, sand, working people, sand, the village ... and a half with a bus ride. STOP!
Sztutowo - alone at the bus stop, cold wind. Come on, as they walked past the others. We - happy, young people with aspirations and dreams, we know what we waiting. They - cheerful, young-old, with aspirations and dreams - do not know the fate. Plate - Villa commander. house on the hill. A delight. The second plate - Kennel . Visible signs of the times. Gate -
Stutthof - We see what the others saw - on the right fountain - no swans. Opposite the building, the commandant-CEL. In the distance Death Gate. camp. Here we sleep, we work here, there will be time expired ...

SS commandant's building - on the right. At the front gate Death.
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