Saturday, March 21, 2009

White Creamy Cervical Mucus And Vomiting


today I had the pleasure to participate in workshops Indian dance with atycznego organized in my school belly dancing.

instructor, lovely Ms. Béatrice Corbin, gave us grounds to celebrate the beautiful world of art through dance: Bharatanatyam .

originally danced in the temples of the deity dewadasi in the gift of time, also moved to the royal houses. Today is compared to the ballet, the Indian version only:)

Both dance and dress and overall appearance should be perfect, as the deity can not be just anything:

So I looked:

Please excuse silly face, adopting a position (having little to do with what the instructor showed ...) required me to focus MUCH that Care has to deal with him missing;)

working as a costume I made a skirt with a tiny piece of silk in an impossible to photograph a color described by tea as "not fully developed young leaves."

piece really tiny (what I thought as I bought it ???), would not be enough for anything that might resemble a traditional sari. So I decided to go in a completely opposite direction and made a cut hipernowoczesny, yet very simple and fast - it is simply a square with a hole in the middle, a rubber band:)

next Saturday in the second part of the workshop - now I can not wait! And during this week I'll be sore from tapping kurować feet ...


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