Heir of Gryffindor. Another view on the Harry Potter books
Harry Potter character, a student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts, who leaves a little indifferent and opinions on the series of novels about his adventures are extremely divided. Some consider them to be excellent books for young people, others as a literary junk food, devoid of any deeper references to the classics of literature and the classics of youth in general. For some, the hero of the novel is a symbol of courage, sacrifice and heroism in the eyes of Harry Potter is the greedy selfish and a liar. Some critics believe there is no need to deal with something that owes its popularity only to cleverly run campaign and the vast machinery of Hollywood show business, others with curiosity and kindness eye phenomenon "potteromanii. It is not hard to figure out where does such a great polarization of opinion. Harry Potter book (in the rest of this article, let me use the acronym HP), although it certainly does not qualify as high literature, they are well written and intriguing blend of fantasy, a British school novels, detective fiction and Bildungsroman, which explains why adults reach for these novels as happy as young people. However, the specificity of the cycle potterowskiego and his enormous popularity among readers determines primarily the fact that he is open to various interpretations. These books are written in a thoroughly modern and appeal to contemporary mass culture that was formed by the imagination, but the smoke from behind the veil of secularism, which appears again and again and even a spiritual dimension, which I will try to demonstrate that religious. However, it is injected by the author in such a way that does not dictate to the reader in the form of allegory or teaching. In this sense, novels of HP much closer to the works of Tolkien than Lewis.
Harry Potter character, a student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts, who leaves a little indifferent and opinions on the series of novels about his adventures are extremely divided. Some consider them to be excellent books for young people, others as a literary junk food, devoid of any deeper references to the classics of literature and the classics of youth in general. For some, the hero of the novel is a symbol of courage, sacrifice and heroism in the eyes of Harry Potter is the greedy selfish and a liar. Some critics believe there is no need to deal with something that owes its popularity only to cleverly run campaign and the vast machinery of Hollywood show business, others with curiosity and kindness eye phenomenon "potteromanii. It is not hard to figure out where does such a great polarization of opinion. Harry Potter book (in the rest of this article, let me use the acronym HP), although it certainly does not qualify as high literature, they are well written and intriguing blend of fantasy, a British school novels, detective fiction and Bildungsroman, which explains why adults reach for these novels as happy as young people. However, the specificity of the cycle potterowskiego and his enormous popularity among readers determines primarily the fact that he is open to various interpretations. These books are written in a thoroughly modern and appeal to contemporary mass culture that was formed by the imagination, but the smoke from behind the veil of secularism, which appears again and again and even a spiritual dimension, which I will try to demonstrate that religious. However, it is injected by the author in such a way that does not dictate to the reader in the form of allegory or teaching. In this sense, novels of HP much closer to the works of Tolkien than Lewis.
Great difference of opinion is also noticeable among readers and critics, identifying himself as an informed and practicing Christians. Ratings range from positive, sometimes enthusiastic, and extremely hostile, called HP pre-determining the occult or a project aimed at the literary propaganda of Satanism. In this text I would like to look at the novels of HP from a Christian perspective. The Polish press, they lived to see the Christian books are just a few, mostly unfavorable reviews. In my opinion the allegations are unfair and inaccurate, at best, exaggerated. Of course, until publication of the final, seventh volume, which will be solved all the riddles hidden in the previous books, will formulate a final opinion on this series of novelistic. Any premature risk assessment is performed by the pars pro toto. However, it seems that, based on previously published books, one could argue the first attempt at a comprehensive assessment of the works of JK Rowling. Should start from what most disturbs some readers of HP.
Harry Potter and the Christian critics
complaints with which I encountered by reading articles critical of HP, can be divided into three groups. Consider them one by one, starting from the ground of the heaviest caliber.
Harry Potter and the Christian critics
complaints with which I encountered by reading articles critical of HP, can be divided into three groups. Consider them one by one, starting from the ground of the heaviest caliber.
first complaint: Books about HP is full of black magic and bring readers into the world of the occult.
This accusation is also the harshest and most unfair. Critics tend to like the HP one of the characters in the novel JKRowling, Mad-Eye Moody, who always and everywhere saw the Death Eaters. This attitude, although in modern times is sometimes useful for literary analysis may lead astray. To understand the nature of magic in HP is useful to first look at the publication of modern magicians, British neopogan affiliated organizations Ordo Anno Mundi [1] . The publications of this organization (a religious group? "), You can read what the contemporary magical practices. I assume the fact that people are really fascinated with black magic and not cynical cwaniacy nabijający unreasonable man in a bottle, ready to pay for the course "magic." When you break through pompous rhetoric of these publications, we see that these practices come down primarily to the invocation, to invoke the "gods" and "goddesses." Similar definitions of magic found in other sources, in the statements of renowned nineteenth-century occultist Eliphas Levi, on the websites of the brotherhood of Dragon Rouge, a musical showcase is a popular Swedish metal band Therion, or in other online sources (see http://www.witchcraft.net/ introduction / spells.html). Often, instead of "gods" appear closer to the unidentified "forces" or "entities" or "Astral forces" with which the student of magic has to make contact. That is the magic, which prohibits the Scripture: God is calling other than the spiritual forces. As compared to this, it looks like magic in the books of J. Rowling? This is a typical literary magic, fantastic. "Spells" work, because the wizard says the right words, this is the kind of technique, but without the mechanisms and current. In none of the HP books is not a single passage in which anyone przywoływałby any spiritual forces. Do not make it either good or bad characters. In contrast from the real black magic of our world, which is always a source outside the magician, magic HP literary works from the inside, is the innate ability of a small minority of people - although you can also look upon them as a distinct race, something like Tolkien's elves - and, like every gift that requires years of arduous study to learn how to use it responsibly and in accordance with ethical principles. That is what exists in the wizarding school Hogwarts. The finding that students learn at Hogwarts witchcraft and the occult are adepts is so wrong. Almost all spells in the books comes from the Latin verbs and nouns (Rowling, which is worth remembering, she graduated with honors from the classics and French at the University of Exeter): Lumos, immobilus, petrificus totalus, Expelliarmus, priori and finite incantatem etc. From the perspective of the true occultist " spell "of this type are worth nothing, because there are no external forces invocation, they lack the spiritual" engine. " If we have to look for analogies to the Harry Potter literary magic, it will be her "Monday begins on Saturday," Strugatsky brothers, magic props such as nierozmienialna pięciorublówka, Dracula teeth, and living water. Similarly, one could accuse of promoting the occult almost all baśniopisarzy. What to do with the sorceress transforms a pumpkin in a carriage in the Cinderella fairy tale? Why, this transmutation in its purest form, that is, they teach at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall.
potterowskim The magic in the world can be seen from another side. The world, created by the author is not identical to our world, but it is an alternate reality. In a classic study of American historian Lynn Thorndike'a "History of magic and science experimental "(8 volumes published during the years 1929 to 1941) is described as European thought for centuries coexisted thinking and empirical and magical effects. From our contemporary point of view, magic and science diverged so far that there are no points of contact between them. With our precisely because from the perspective of the Papuan New Guinea, both are still magic. However, as shown in Thorndike, for many centuries they were the outstanding European perspective on the minds of a harmonious whole. Here you can recall such figures as Newton and Kepler, or by reaching previously St. Albert the Great (known for his fascination with alchemy), Roger Bacon and Ramon Lull. For like, what are the conclusions of Thorndike CS Lewis, who wrote that is our conviction that magic is not working while being a child learning technique that was not shared by our ancestors. In our eyes, Bacon is the father of modern science, the ancestor of the methodology of empirical research, however, he spoke favorably about magach - alchemikach of his era, apparently not seeing much difference between their activities and their. The world then was not, according to an accurate determination of Max Weber's "disenchantment". Put simply, it took many centuries before it became obvious that the doctor can better treat the disease than those my grandmother - zaklinaczka from a neighboring village. Magic and science, says Thorndike, had a common goal: to provide more and more perfect control of the surrounding human environment. The world in which stories are ongoing about HP is different from our one detail: it works in both modern technology (the community of Muggles) and magic (wizards community). Seen from this perspective, the magic in these novels is an alternative technology and its use poses the same ethical problems as a practical application of scientific knowledge, which again brings us to the fundamental purpose of the school at Hogwarts.
Many critics of JK Rowling refers to the prohibition of any kind of witchcraft, which is contained in the Scriptures. Probably the most quoted passage happens from Deuteronomy:
Let there be among you anyone who had carried the fire of his son or his daughter, who'd practiced soothsaying, superstition, magic and sorcery, who would have practiced magic, obtain the advice developer of spirits, charlatans and asked for advice of the dead. For everyone who does such things, the Lord awakens in disgust, and because of these very wickedness the LORD your God will remove those nations from your path (Deuteronomy 18,10-12)
Let there be among you anyone who had carried the fire of his son or his daughter, who'd practiced soothsaying, superstition, magic and sorcery, who would have practiced magic, obtain the advice developer of spirits, charlatans and asked for advice of the dead. For everyone who does such things, the Lord awakens in disgust, and because of these very wickedness the LORD your God will remove those nations from your path (Deuteronomy 18,10-12)
matter is clear. Christians do such things are not allowed. The question arises whether or not to read the book in which some of these things are described. Looking at the problem legalistycznie reading on such topics is certainly not breaking the commandments. On this we can stop. However, there remains doubt as to whether reading about magic and witchcraft will not cause injury to the soul of the reader? Is a work of fiction, in which the action is presented as a magical natural does not result in indifference to the real magic advocated by acting, in fact, occultists? Can not we learn from the Bible a broader warning to avoid not only true magic, but all descriptions of such activities? Finally, think about that appear in the HP critics' sylogizmach "type: a) The Bible forbids witchcraft b) Harry Potter learns in school for wizards, ergo the HP books are Christian. I think that in this reasoning lies the error mentioned earlier generalization, which consists of automatically being assimilated real occult activities of the literary magic of imaginary stories.
Let's see where it leads us to recognize that there is no difference between them. The consequence of this view will be primarily the rejection of the works are considered today a classic of Christian fiction. "The Lord of the Rings" Tolkien and Lewis narnijski cycle should immediately get into censorial knife. How much magic in these books and it is sometimes more suspect than the HP, because consisting of przyzywaniu spiritual beings. Recall invocations Aragorn, Galadriel's mirror fortune telling, evoking Nikabrika Saruman the White Witch and the summoning of Sauron, astral travel in the "Wizard nephew." Let us read again, "Prince Caspian", which appear in the Roman goddess Pomona and the Bacchus and Silenus. A book titles? "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" and "The Magician's Nephew" can not fail to arouse suspicion. For a real mine of occult themes in such a perspective can pass the classic "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens. What does there just is not! Spirits, Necromancy (Return of the deceased Jacob Marley), fortune telling, spells, and even astral projection. Continuing this way we will be forced to condemn a masterpiece of British drama, "Macbeth." In the first stage IV of the act of the play three witches give a show of black magic, at which the exploits of Lord Voldemort's pale as described in "Goblet of Fire."
must admit that many Protestant fundamentalists maintains consistency and pushes Lewis, Tolkien and other writers in the common bag with HP. More often, however, you will hear the different arguments. Works of Lewis, Tolkien and Dickens differ from the Harry Potter series that the named authors were openly Christian and not JK \u200b\u200bRowling. Apart from the religious views of the author, you may consider this argument to be devoid of meaning. As to the work to some accuse that it describes the magic and witchcraft, it does not matter whether the author is a Christian, Muslim, or agnostic. It is bad and worthy of rejection by virtue of that fact. Another argument is to be a qualitative difference between the works of Dickens and the Inklings and books Rowling. Their work on the assumption were Christian allegories (Lewis), a mitopeją Christian inspiration (Tolkien), or have had a clear message of moral teaching (Dickens). And how does this context, Harry Potter? I did not get worse. The broader context of the novel is, after all the courage, dedication, growing up to difficult choices against the growing power of evil, to overcome our own weaknesses, and finally, scrolling through all the volumes of the cycle in one form or another triumph of love over death.
magic in all these novels, acts as a prop to facilitate the work of the author inject messages in the package attractive and coherent story Internally, an imaginary universe. In such a way to justify the presence of magical elements in his works CS Lewis, who also got on well with the British Puritans in the fifties. In my opinion, are consistent only two ways: either a complete rejection of any work containing descriptions of magical acts, regardless of the identity of the true magic, or a recognition that the spells in the literature can function, which will give them the author: allegorical, allusive, genuine tone wykreowanemu world. Most important is the goal, fundamental elements author, who goes after this and no other means of expression. Finally, the obsessive focus on the magical scenery of the only critics of the cycle is characterized by JK Rowling. People who like these books, do not mention the magic as the cause of his sympathy. Usually indicates an attractive, full of surprises, plot, interesting characters and unusual main characters, both familiar and mysterious place of action, that is Hogwarts.
Sometimes you can also meet with the objection that HP promotes pagan view of reality. But what is paganism? St. Paul defines it as worship creature rather than the Creator (Romans 1:23). In JK Rowling's books there is no worship, there is no worship at all, either in the form of direct or allusive. What is the cause? I think that this silence is deliberate, thoughtful treatment of the author, not far from resulting from her sometimes attributed to atheism. In an interview with The Vancouver Sun magazine in October 2000, Rowling said: "Every time you asked me whether I believe in God, answered in the affirmative, because that is the case. However, none of the journalists tried to address a deeper conversation about this and I must admit that I like it. If I told you in this matter too much, I'm afraid that the intelligent reader, whether ten or sixty would be able to guess what will happen in later books, " [2] . Good and evil in these novels is manifested in the form of the natural virtues, or their opposites, but certainly they are not promoted by pagan beliefs, which will become more clear later in the article, which discusses the symbolism used by the author.
second complaint: In the Harry Potter books is not clearly outlined, the opposition of Good and Evil
This claim, though less severe than the first, it seems simply ill. It is easier to understand someone who rekwizytorium magical novel is associated automatically with the occult than someone who does not see the core, which is built around each of the books of both and the whole cycle, and which is ongoing in the wizarding world from time immemorial, the dispute over the appropriate ethical use the gift of magic. This while the dispute is in fact a reflection of a deeper dispute about the motives of human conduct, the motives, which we follow in pursuit of our desires; finally, the moral qualification of those desires.
As in the case of an allegation of promoting paganism, and there will be an important factor analysis of the symbolic charge of the novel. But without it, you can point to the incompatibility of these assessments with the content of books by JK Rowling. Note that there are no slightest suggestion that Good and evil are in some way complementary, they must exist - such as in "Star Wars" - in the state of harmonious balance. The author coped quite well with the daunting task of literature, which is to create, without falling into clichés and moralizing, the positive form, which would be more interesting than the heroes of the negative. Palette of good character is very broad at HP, where we find noble and honorable people (Dumbledore, McGonagall), eccentric misfits (Luna Lovegood), a seemingly average family with many children (Weasley), porywczych adventurers (Sirius Black) and even individuals from different niecieszące reasons, the best reputation in the wizarding community (Moody, Lupin, Hagrid). Compared to them, the dark wizard Voldemort and Death Eaters, but repainting with great authenticity, seem to bit jednowymiarowi. Motives of their actions are always the same: a desire for power, selfishness, arrogance and fear. Figure that appears to go beyond this pattern is dark Bellatrix Lestrange, probably the only person in the world who loves Voldemort.
look at the behavior of the main character. Harry Potter soon finds out that in the wizarding world, not everything is "light, easy and fun." He sees the existing divisions between pure-blood wizards and "dregs" in contact with various types of prejudice, pyszałkowatością and rudeness. From the beginning have the possibility to "black hat", this suggests even Sorting Hat, in order to qualify him to Slytherin (one of four houses, forming a school at Hogwarts.) But Harry with all his strength is opposed by a conscience tells him that he must choose another path, and this stubbornness will keep him at the end of Gryffindor, the house where once they learned of his parents. Also rejects the "friendship" derived from the wizarding aristocracy Draco Malfoy and is associated with Ron Weasley, coming from a poor family, and "slime" Hermione Granger, who is in the eyes of many magical families pariah because niemagicznego origin. Let's see what happens in later volumes:
· In "Chamber of Secrets," Harry, despite the mortal danger from Voldemort declares his loyalty to the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.
· In "Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry is initially emotions and casts a spell on Aunt Marge, expressing contempt for his mother. But by the end of the book does not allow to kill Wormtail, who had directly contributed to the death of his parents because he says so I would have acted in his father.
· In "Goblet of Fire" does not agree with the easy, false reconciliation with Ron, as long as it does not recognize the true state of affairs. In the same book, calmly withstand the media chase instigated by journalist Rita Skeeter, considering that this is the price duration consistent with what Dumbledore, and he considers it appropriate. Also risks losing the competition in one of the Triwizard competition, saving his younger sister rivals in the competition, Fleur Delacour.
· Finally, in "Order of the Phoenix", the book having any particular importance for the series, Harry Potter is the first time, elect their own pride and what easy, contributing to the death of his godfather, Sirius Black, during a battle in the Department of Mysteries.
As seen in each book hero becomes a serious choice, and usually, though not always, chooses well. Importantly, the Harry Potter until the end of the fifth volume of the series, he learns about the prophecy that binds his destiny with Voldemort, and that made him the chosen one, condemned to a confrontation with the Dark Lord. Elections, which made earlier, so they are not determined by consciousness of its own uniqueness.
Rowling has repeatedly acknowledged that "speaks" to readers' mouths headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Let's see what he has to say about good and bad choices in life:
"... it's our choices reveal who we truly are, far more than our abilities." ("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," p. 347 )
"Remember Cedric. Remember it when the time comes where you have to choose between what is right and what is easy. Remember what happened the good, kind and brave boy, when he stood in the way of Lord Voldemort. "(" Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, "p. 748)
difficult find in these sentences for something else, beyond the call to the uneasy choice between good and evil.
It is worth to recall that a similar criticism of his time was "Lord of the Rings." In defense of Tolkien's trilogy picked up a pen WH Auden, who wrote that in literature the difference between "white hats" and "black hats" comes down to choices that they make. While the "black hats" almost automatically pick up what is only their own interests and try to pursue this no matter the cost, the more "white" attempt - though not always succeed - to make decisions keeping in mind what is objectively good and bad. The fact that "white hat" sometimes take the wrong decision or do something morally ambiguous does not make it ceases to be "white", because after all, is aware of the error, trying to fix it so
third complaint: Harry Potter is not a good example for children
usually complains to him that lying and breaking school rules. Even Professor McGonagall, but clearly pleased that the student from her home, managed to save Ginny Weasley and defeat the basilisk, Harry complains that he has made this "breaking the road about a hundred points of school rules." But we already know that Harry grows and matures and its nature is changing in subsequent volumes. In "The Order of the Phoenix" even refuses to repeat the lies (again not easy to choose!), Which requires learners to Dolores Umbridge, for which he is painfully punished, but does not alter the sentence. The statement that every dirty trick Potter gets away with no coverage in fact. Potter Dumbledore has a deep respect for other extraordinary professors, except for Snape. In this case, however, we are dealing with a typical story of school teacher and student conflict, in-depth the complicated relationships of the young Potter Snape'ai parents from the time of their stay at Hogwarts. It should be remembered that, not coincidentally Rowling used a third-person narration with the single point of view. We know about the world of the novel as much as he knows Harry Potter, whose knowledge is not only incomplete, but very subjective, distorted by emotions and resentments teenager. This applies particularly crucial for the entire series, the mysterious figure of the master of elixirs. Let us also note that the Harry Potter respects and loves his parents were murdered, I never knew, and the traditional role of the father as an authority in the family is very clearly marked throughout the cycle, especially in volumes from the third to fifth. Against the background of most contemporary novel of the youth fantasy genre is a rarity, and many Western leftist critics alleged that reason the author glorification of patriarchal, authoritarian vision of the world.
Harry Potter and the Hogwarts founders
Canadian writer, painter and writer Michael O'Brien, one of the critics of HP, in an interview with the Catholic Creed letter acknowledged that "fifty or a hundred years ago, these books probably would be pretty harmless " [3] . In his view the modern world does not give children a moral compass that enables them to consciously recognize what is good and bad, in which case the novel, rich in magic props that could contribute to the spread of pagan beliefs, or fascination with occult. With numerous concerns about the dangers of O'Brien's reading of HP share one: after the books back often too young readers, though in reality, beyond the first two, maybe three volumes, these are not typical of books for younger children. But it is hard to blame this state of affairs the author, since the responsibility for selecting reading lies with parents. We should also distinguish themselves from the book deriving from the Warner Bros. potteromanii corporation. Hollywood circus is able to trivialize any work, as evidenced by the media hubbub around the film adaptation of Tolkien and Lewis.
Paradoxically, from the viewpoint of "apologist" HP, O'Brien's statement contains some truth. JK Rowling actually contain code that can be largely elusive for the modern reader, although this is not the allegation by a Canadian author of the message occult. So why not to try to "decode" these novels, making them more transparent? Recently read an article about Australian neopoganach very appreciating cycle narnijski Lewis and easily bypass the fragments generally regarded as a Christian allegory, has strengthened my conviction that in the case so special, is open to the symbolism and metaphor of the species, which is fantastic, the interpretation of the text is as important as the text itself. First aid in the task of deciphering HP will Bestiary, Volume receding popularity in the Middle Ages only the Bible and the "Golden Legend."
World novels about Harry Potter is a strange, archaic and thoroughly modern at the same time. We find there the one hand, a school organized along the lines of a medieval convent, with no telephones and illuminated with wax candles, and a kind of legalized slavery (sprites allowed), on the other And - in color rozczytujące pisemkach housewives, international sports events, ministerial buildings equipped with luxurious, modern elevators and cars, and described not without irony - probably Rowling benefited here from my own experience of cooperation with Amnesty International - the movement of liberation of those elves. This is a semi-anarchic world, in theory, governed by the Ministry of Magic, which does not fulfill its assigned tasks, acting in a classic example of Parkinson juggernaut existing very existence. In this world, is fighting that Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix members roll with Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. But this is not an ahistorical, incidental start without precedent. Already the "Philosopher's Stone," we learn that one of the greatest achievements of Dumbledore's defeat was in 1945 (coincidence?) Evil wizard Grindelwald. In the next volume, Professor McGonagall reveals the backstage story school, which has been shaken since the beginning of the conflict caused by the departure of one of its founders, Salazar Slytherin. It is therefore important to look at the "history" of Hogwarts, and especially two of the four founders of the school, the semi-mythical figures of Godric Gryffindor Salazar Slytherin, and.
Rowling, following in the footsteps of best practice in British literature, especially Dickens, gives the names of many of his characters betray their nature. And so, Severus Snape is nothing but a "severe reprimand" (from Severe - severe, austere, and the Old English verb snape - rebuke, reprimand), which perfectly captures the character of the teacher. Name of journalist Rita Skeeter intolerable rhymes with mosquito (mosquito), and it is really not a registered animagiem, having the ability to change in this particular insect. The ever-vigilant caretaker Argus Filch is associated with the mythical stuokim Argos, Remus Lupin suffers wilkołactwo coincidence, and a drunkard and a thief with magical underworld is named Mundungus, from the Latin mundus - the world of English and dung - dung, dung. It is no different in the case of Gryffindor and Slytherin, whose rivalry has left mark on the history of Hogwarts. Let us first Godrykiem Gryffindor. His name is a clear reference to the symbolism of the Middle Ages. Gryffindor is the French d'or griffin, a golden griffin. Choosing from any of the medieval bestiariów find mention of the neck as a symbol of Christological. This is a simple reason: the neck is a half-lion (ruler of land animals) and half eagle (ruler of the skies) and as such symbolizes Christ as Lord of Heaven and Earth. According to remittances bestiaries, no one could stop the rolling griffin, like the crowd was not able to capture and precipitate from the rock of Jesus (Luke 4,28-30). In the case of the names of Gryffindor is not without meaning is golden brown, the iconography associated unambiguously with the majesty of divinity. In books griffin appears only once: knocker in the shape of the animal is on the door of Dumbledore's office. His novelistic vice is very similar Hipogryf him, the Italian Renaissance "variety" griffin, first described by Ludovico Ariosto in his poem "Orlando Furioso."
But how did the name Godric? Perhaps the author's fascination with the Middle Ages. Rowling gave him the word in many interviews, also admitted several times that number of quirky names for the modern ear, worn by the heroes of her books, borrowed from medieval saints of the British Isles. The only known British bearing such a name - it came from use shortly after the Norman invasion - was a hermit, St. Godric (Godric) from Finchale, a man with a very colorful resume. Godric turbulent youth has passed on various activities: he was an itinerant merchant, a pilgrim to Jerusalem, the captain of a ship in the Mediterranean Sea, will make the orders on the border of piracy and Bailiff in one of Britain's cities. Finally, he settled near Durham, where for over fifty years led an ascetic life of penance for sins committed in his youth. Godric of Finchale is known as the author of the first poetry written in the language of religious środkowoangielskim, simple hymns in honor of Our Lady, St. John Baptist and St. Nicholas. Equally simple rhymes composes "relic" known Gryffindor at Hogwarts as the Sorting Hat. Like St. Godric, it has a prophetic gift. Let us note that its predictions are always true, as opposed to the "divination" taught by prof. Trelawney and presented by Rowling with undisguised irony. Lifetime St. Godric coincides roughly with the "date of assumption" of Hogwarts. In old English tapestries St. Godric is presented in the company of a white deer. For this symbol, which incidentally also appears in "The Lion, the Witch and the closet, "Lewis, we will come back later, but it is worth to note that the white deer invariably accompanied by the house of Gryffindor. Harry's father, James, had the ability to change into a white deer, this character has a Patronus (protection spell) Harry. Note that Harry is probably the heir of Gryffindor (like Voldemort Slytherin), as evidenced by an episode of the sword and the tiara during the fight with the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets "and the name of the ancestral seat of Potter, Godric's Hollow. The relationship between St. With Godric Gryffindor Godrykiem Finchale and the novel seems to me quite obvious. In support of this assertion can add one more argument. Sung in "Goblet of Fire" by the Sorting Hat speaks of "the brave Godryku the moors." It is known that the hermitage of Finchale, in which the saint spent most years of monastic life lies between the two moors, Lumley and East Leazes, forming part of the vast tracts of North Yorkshire moors moor in the middle of the east coast of England.
Salazar Slytherin
Salazar Slytherin
figure seems to be less cryptic names. Name of Slytherin, of course, derives from the English verb slither (slide), and points directly to the snake, insidious nature of his host. Some have also pointed to the link that name with the adjective sly (cunning, crafty). Salazar's name refers, of course, to Antonio de Oliveira Salazar (remember that Rowling spent several years in Portugal, where she worked as an English teacher), though I do not think that this old-fashioned, and benign dictator officer-author of the archetype was a dark wizard. Rather, worked as a writer's imagination. What mattered was the hissing, immediately apparent from parseltoungiem - The language of snakes - the sound of this name, quite difficult to achieve in ENGLISH. Salazar Slytherin is in English, if one may so express it, really "wężowo.
Harry Potter and the mythical beasts
Gryfindoru and Slytherin comparisons can not be completed on the characters of the founders of these homes. This is only the beginning. Gryfindoru emblem is a gold lion on a red background, the same, which could be seen on the face of King Peter and the reliefs on Lucy's cabin in the novels of CS Lewis. It is, as already mentioned Griffin, a former symbol of Christology from Revelation. John (Rev 5.5), often found in medieval iconography. One of the best preserved medieval bestiaries, Scottish Aberdeen Folio, contains the following comment on the image of a lion, "our Savior, spiritual lion." Lion, according to a comment from Aberdeen, she gives life to animals that humble themselves before him, which admittedly is not typical for the true lions of the African savannah, but the similarity between symbolic of a lion from the pages of the Bestiary of Christ, who shows mercy, after all repentant sinners [4] .
certainly the most important inhabitant of the house of Gryffindor Bestiary accompanying Fawkes is a phoenix - whose name is a funny reference to the English practice of burning effigies of Guy Fawkes - living in Dumbledore's office. The mythical phoenix, thanks to its ability to spawn from the ashes, was called "the bird of resurrection." Often it was used in heraldry, knights adorn their shields images, pointing to the Christian belief in eternal life warrior. Fawkesowi falls in the magical menagerie Gryffindor special place. Group wizards fighting with Voldemort and his supporters called the Order Phoenix. Rowling spent feniksowi an extremely important role in several novels of the series. It is particularly evident in the closing scenes of "Chamber of Secrets: Fawkes, whose singing sounds like a dark dungeon," a strange, thrilling, unearthly music ", provides Harry Gryffindor Sword, the basilisk eyes hatches, healing the wounds inflicted mortal boy by a monster, Finally, take Harry and Ginny from the underworld - symbolic of the Kingdom of Death - back to Hogwarts. Fawkes also supports Harry Potter in "Goblet of Fire" when it "outlandish, wonderful singing," adds the hero of the Phoenix forces in a confrontation with Voldemort in the graveyard in Little Hangleton. In "The Order of the Phoenix, Fawkes saves Dumbledore from death - and thus also Potter - swallowing a lethal spell cast by Voldemort. Phoenix is, so to speak, most of the Christological symbols chosen by Rowling for Gryffindor House, the symbol most fully expresses the essence of the fight that fighters roll of Life and Love with Voldemort and the Death Eaters.
Another mythical beast associated with Gryfindorem is, as mentioned earlier, the white deer. Also this symbol, dating from the Indo-European peoples of Central Asia, it's easy to find in medieval bestiariach. They describe as the intransigence deer slayer of snakes. Interestingly, situated in Central Asia, Afghanistan truly dead deer species that hunts and feeds on small snakes. Deer symbolizes both Christ and the spiritual battle waged by Christians with a snake - Satan. He was also a symbol of spiritual purity and the pursuit of God, in the words of Psalm 42 (2), hence its image adorned baptismal fonts and happy ciboria. Finally, in the mythology of the British Celts, white deer was a posthumous guide the soul through the dark forest, which helped make him popular in Britain as a symbol of Christ's counsel and guide Christians.
You can not miss even one animal of the bestiary, the symbolism associated with the Christological and appears in disguised form on almost every page of the novel. It is the weasel. The Weasleys are a large and loving family, always associated with Gryfindorem and faithfully support the Director of Dumbledore and Harry in the fight with Voldemort, and their name derives from the English word weasel, meaning weasel. These animals, known for its courage and ability to overcome larger opponents from each other, reflected in medieval iconography of spiritual strength the heroes of faith, able to face Satan. According bestiaries weasel was an animal that was able to kill the basilisk undefeated, but only for the cost of his life. This does not bode best clan Weasley, who probably makes a large tribute of blood in the seventh volume, during the final showdown with the Dark Lord. The generosity of weasel, and the fact that the rodent happy hunting for snakes, made him a symbol of purity and cleansing grace of Christ.
Gryffindor Rowling defines a place, not only through the symbolism drawn from bestiariów. The nobility of Gryffindor is shown even in seemingly trivial details such as the placement of houses at Hogwarts: Gryffindor rooms (students from Gryffindor) are placed on top of the tower, while the seat of Slytherins (students from Slytherin) is located underground. Harry owl, Hedwig, is named in honor of the religious community the Sisters of St. Hedwig, dealing with the education of orphaned and abandoned children. In turn, composition gryfońskiej Quidditch team in the first cycle refers volumes through the names of players to the traditional church architecture. The core of the team, next to Harry, an Alice Spinetta (Spinetta Toscana ie, type of harpsichord, for a time was used in English churches on a par with the authorities), Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson (as determined by the ex-carved decorative angels). The most valuable material for making sculptures of the church was a timber of olives and now we have the team captain Oliver Wood. And when one of the Weasley twins is injured, replaced by a boy named Circe. Convergence that name with the German Kirche and Scottish word used in the Kirk is obvious. The team is a true Gryffindor "flying chapel."
Now look what the symbols and the mythical beasts are accompanied by the house of Slytherin. First, what is striking is the ubiquity of the snake, which the Bible clearly gives the rank of a symbol of Satan (eg, Gen. 3.1 and Rev. 20:2). Good is more diverse than the evil, Rowling seems to say. Slytherin successors are almost always in some way connected with the hose. The emblem of Slytherin house is a silver snake in the disc. Derived from the Indian Nagini tales, a giant snake is the servant of Voldemort, like a phoenix, Fawkes is Dumledorowi. Dark Lord hears a giant basilisk, formerly located in the basement of Hogwarts by the Salazar Slytherin. This huge reptile enters the Chamber of Secrets held by the mouth of the great sculptures there Slytherin. Emblem of the Death Eaters, Voldemort guard which is the Dark Mark, hovering in the air image of a skull, from which emerges the snake paragraph. Voldemort himself, going further and further towards the "immortality" gradually loses its human features and conformed hose. It is also, or rather was, early in his career, master of disguise and lies, like the biblical serpent: "Sharp as a snake in their languages, and the venom of vipers is under their lips" (Ps 140,4).
In some cultures, the hose is not associated so clearly negative, as in the Christian tradition. Many primitive worship him as a symbol of health and strength, as a being that the whole body touches the ground. Rowling does not escape, and from that aspect, but give it a negative context. Voldemort is actually the ideal of mundane, the carnal and materialistic in the deepest of the word meaning, which is especially evident in the newly published book, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." Voldemort is driven by an obsession with the cult of death and confesses to a purely physical life, to be achieved at the cost of undoing one's soul, the life which is in fact worse than death:
"... I am that I went further than anyone else on the road to immortality. You know my goal: to conquer death. "(" Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, "p. 678)
" - There is nothing worse than death, Dumbledore! - Snarled Voldemort.
- You are mistaken - said Dumbledore, closing in on him ... - But your inability to understand that there are things far worse than death has always been your greatest weakness ... "(" Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, "p. 889)
The obsessive fear of death, indicates a name that gave himself, wanting to break away from mugolskimi roots. French vol de mort translated as "flight of death" or "flight (escape) from death." This is the second most important shows who is the main "villain" of the series. We must pay attention to yet another Christian inspiration in the novel series by JK Rowling. It is the emphasis on the redemptive, salvific role of the blood, the author shows both positive and negative side of this symbolic use of the elixir of life. Voldemort nourishes the blood of a unicorn, which is symbolized in the Christian tradition, or Christ (Tertullian, St. Jerome, Saint. Ambrose, Saint. Basil the Great), or purity, innocence and Incarnation:
"- Killing Unicorn is a terrible crime - Firenze said. - Able to it is just someone who has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Unicorn blood gives life to anyone who drinks it ... but at a terrible price. If you kill something innocent and defenseless, and will be forever cursed and will be led a miserable life, or rather the half-life. "(" Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, "p. 268, cf 1 Cor 11,27-29)
Voldemort goes further and uses a "blood enemy", that is Harry Potter's blood, in a sickening ritual that allows him to create a new body. In fact, these are symbolic acts of Voldemort, a blasphemous inversion of the sacraments of the Eucharist and baptism. Remember that every act is a tribute to a blasphemous rebours, dedicated power, which wants to offend. This is another theme, linking Voldemort with Satan. But HP also find a different, ancient magic, the blood shed by Lily Potter in the defense of his son's life:
"You had to be protected power of ancient magic, which he (Voldemort) knows that he despises, and which, precisely because no appreciates. I'm talking, of course, that your mother gave you for life. You are assured of lasting protection, which he never expected, the protection that flows in your veins to this day. So I entrusted the blood of your mother. "(" Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, "p. 912, cf. Also similar passages in the" Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, "p. 308 and" Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, "p. 331)
compounds with a hose and evil is found also in other characters related to Slytherin. Some of the most loyal backers bear the name of Voldemort Malfoy (in French "bad faith ") and their names: Lucius, Narcissa and Draco, speak for themselves. Even quite marginal characters, Crabbe and Goyle, are hiding the names of reptilian features. Reversing the first letter of their names to get the word grab (grab or throw on something) and coil (snake), evocative of snake activity. In addition, Gregory Goyle sounds in English almost as much as the gargoyle - gargoyle. All this can be concluded that the conflict between Gryffindor and Slytherin is much greater than the annual competition for the Quidditch Cup. Gryffindor, "where you can enjoy the virtue of fortitude, where reigns supreme courage and feats of fancy, "and where, add, rarely achieved outstanding results in science, as its motto could take Dumbledore's sentence about the elections and abilities. In turn, the Slytherins Slytherin, which "helps to achieve greatness," and where "the faithful and the win druhów szczwanych," but also "where making fun of the Muggles," too often lean towards the attitude expressed by Professor Quirella the first volume of the series:
" There is no such thing as good and evil, only power and power ... And a lot of people too weak to achieve power and strength ... "(" Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, "p. 300)
Mythical animals symbolizing the house of Gryffindor and Slytherin houses are not selected randomly, but continues in the eternal enmity. Medieval bestiaria tell us that the only poison knock down a lion is capable of snake venom that the fretboard is the enemy of snakes and basilisks that kills deer and snakes weasel basilisk. According to legend, the South-East Asia only a powerful mythical bird (phoenix?) Is able to overcome the dangerous snake, nage. Possibly, that we will see them battle in the latest volume of the series. Gryffindor and Slytherin animals are locked in a symbolic war against each other, which is a picture of conflict of ideals of the two main founders of Hogwarts. This, in turn, war is an echo of the eternal conflict of those who seek to build their lives according to the will of God and those who choose the service of his opponent. It is worth considering whether such an accumulation of clear Christological symbolism in the house Gryfindora and satanic in the house of Slytherin can be accidental, or whether it is aware of the treatment of the author?
Harry Potter - The Chosen One and the Everyman
symbolic framework "Potterlandu" have been roughly outlined. Time to look at the hero himself. What makes it so attractive to many readers? Undoubtedly Rowling managed to create a hero who awakens compassion and are readily identify with. Harry Potter is an unusual hero: an average and outstanding at the same time, seeking authority, and too independent, brave and pure and yet stemmed the usual human vices, and sometimes express themselves in a brutal manner typical of teenagers. As an infant, not only relied śmiercionośnemu spell Voldemort, but also deprived him of most of the forces, which made him a legend in the wizarding community. Rowling, creating a main character, decided on the original design, giving it a largely opposite characteristics Fist and Everyman. The author of scattered volumes in the first series of suggestions concerning the predilection of Harry Potter, by the parallels to the Arthurian legend:
· Both Arthur and Harry grow up on the sidelines, under the care of the old and wise wizard;
· Defeated king magic Harry tossed chess crown at his feet;
· During the fight basilisk Harry pulls the sword of Gryffindor Tiara Allotment, like Arthur pulling the sword stone Britain;
· enchanted ceiling with view of the sky at Hogwarts. According to some versions of Arthurian tales, the same existed at the castle Kamelot;
· Ginny Weasley, Harry's love, whose full name is Ginevra;
· spear of King Arthur's name was Ron, just as Ginny's brother and the best companion of Harry Potter .
We are also allusions in the book that Harry Potter is the heir of Godric Gryffindor. Finally, in "Order of the Phoenix," we learn that according to prophecy, he is destined to defeat the Dark Lord. The prophecy, as it happens with the predictions, is unclear and may extend to another student from Gryffindor, Neville Longbottom, but reading "Half-Blood Prince" would seem to exclude this possibility.
Being from childhood a person with an extraordinary destiny, while Potter has many characteristics of a literary Everyman. Unlike almost all the important figures in the books, the name Harry Potter hides no mystery. Rowling herself admitted that her favorite friend from childhood and wear the name of Harry Potter is her favorite male name. A resident of Great Britain, America or Australia rather never meet someone who would be called Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore, but Harry Potter might meet most [5] . Harry Potter is, except for a few items, pretty average student and his magic skills do not make him a worthy adversary for the mighty, not only Voldemort, but for the most experienced adult wizards. Just as the British morality play Everyman, in each volume, Harry goes to meet death, but rather a mortal danger, armed only with their own virtues: sacrifice, courage, determination, and also the awareness of their own weakness.
Another problem is the mysterious bond that connects the dark Archmage Potter Voldemort. It is part of the novel, around which a lot of misunderstandings have arisen in particular. This bond is the result of the already mentioned, a deadly spell that, thanks to the sacrifice of a loving mother's life, not kill Harry Potter, but returned to Voldemort depriving him of the body for many years and the possibility of active operation. What's more, this bond resulted in the Harry Potter and marked by the words of the prophecy as "equal to Voldemort," possessed of the talent of his would-be assassin:
"Because ... you see, Harry, between us is a strange similarity. Even you had to see it. We're both half-wizards, orphans mannered by Muggles. We both know the language of snakes, probably the only one in the history of Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself. It even looks a little like ... " ("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," p. 331)
nature of this relationship, highlighted by the fact that even their wands made of feathers of the same phoenix, is the biggest mystery series, which relies to a large extent the whole story and even the recently published "Half-Blood Prince" is not enough to give us many clues to unravel this mystery. The author certainly does not lack creativity, in a surprising way to explain it in the latest volume. Meanwhile, note that the similarity of Harry and Voldemort, which so worries some critics, the series certainly does not indicate the identity of character. Potter called "evil in itself," it is because he has been vaccinated, when he was a baby. Lightning-bolt scar (another indication of the evil Voldemort connotations), which is a sign and perhaps also a tool which is binding on Harry and the Dark Lord, belongs to a fairy-tale novel props, but the struggle of the two heroes is an image that belongs to our world, an illustration of internal struggle, we must keep everyone with their weaknesses and sin. Fight Harry from "Voldemort in itself" can be compared to the conflict, "the old and the new man" in Ephesians (Eph. 4, 22-24). Harry's fate is determined by the decision of Lord Voldemort, who had appointed him as his enemy, as "an equal". Person Harry Potter is definitely something more than "the sum of good, but difficult choices." So will the choices we make, have any significance? Here we touch a key issue in Christianity free will. Answer to this question in the following way: yes, Harry Potter is a man with a unique destiny, but whether they will be able to fill out, development depends on his election. Only through them can be a person equipped with weapons, against whom Voldemort is powerless - love, that's what prepares them for all the successive cycle parts of his master, Albus Dumbledore.
think every attentive reader of HP admits that the choices made by Harry Potter are choices between what is easy and what is right. But we may call the proceeding Harry Potter Christian? The answer is yes and no, a rather, not yet. Yes, because Harry Potter - and other characters associated with the Gryffindor - stand unambiguously on the side of what Christian civilization considers to be good. Not yet, because the hero's spiritual growth is not finished. As the Chosen One and the everyman in one person, Harry Potter is moving towards final destiny, which is the confrontation with Voldemort, however, can beat him - as indicated by the logic of the cycle - only the power of love. To fight the Dark Lord, he must first overcome his own demons: the pride and prejudice against people whom it considered enemies (Snape, Draco Malfoy) and his second defeat, nature of the snake, which was the effect of spells Voldemort. For this purpose, it must become like his teacher, Albus Dumledore'ai learn what is most difficult to love your enemies.
Harry Potter, an ordinary boy, and also the boy with magical talent and hard fate, it is not tailored to your world. So I suppose if you will be able to save the world from Voldemort, it will make the cost of his life - as suggested in some interviews, Rowling herself - or, Frodo's footsteps of Tolkien and King Arthur will not be able to remain in a world that will save everyone except themselves. Does this happens, we will answer the seventh volume.
Harry Potter and the alchemy of the British literary
Another key next to the medieval Bestiary, facilitating the understanding of transmission of the Harry Potter books, is derived from the culture of the medieval tradition of literary alchemy. Readers concerned about the need to explain that it is not about alchemy as such. HP is not a novel series of alchemical transmitting hermetic doctrine under the guise of fantasy stories for young people. What indeed was the alchemy? Satisfactory answer to this question unless we do not. It was both prechemią and universal, but realizes differently in different areas of cultural spiritual tradition, which expresses the human desire to attain spiritual perfection (Burckhardt, Eliade, Awierincew) as well as the manifestation of the collective, archetypal human subconscious (Jung). The Middle Ages, in love with the symbols and treating them as a guide to the "truths and things invisible," made the incorporation of alchemical symbolism arcybogatej on the ground of Christian literature, and even the architecture of moralism [6] . This incorporation has been especially strong on the basis of British culture. Professor writes. Stanton J. Linden in the monograph "Darke Hieroglyphics. Alchemy in Literature from Angielski Chaucer to the Restoration, "the English writers and poets have used the alchemical symbolism in his works both as a useful element of satire, as well as Christian allegories. Alchemical images, which, because of the rich symbolism, a perfect tool of literary presentation of truths, attitudes, and spiritual transformation, is found in particular abundance in Chaucer, Milton, Donne, Shakespeare and Jonson [7] . Literary alchemical themes are also present in the novels Inklings: CS Lewis (especially in the Space Trilogy) and Charles Williams, which drew the attention of student and friend of Lewis, Martin Lings. I think that Rowling is aware of the literary tradition and refers to them, constructing the story of his novels. Can serve as proof of our three-step comparison of the mystical path that should move the Christian life:
first "Dark night of the soul",
second enlightenment, cleansing,
third union, the knowledge of God
the three phases of alchemical Magnum Opus, the transformation from lead gold:
first Phase black or nigredo - reduction, decomposition,
second Phase white or albedo - washing, cleaning,
third red phase or rubedo - creating the Philosopher's Stone,
For medieval mystics who were using vocabulary connected with alchemy, the philosopher's stone was Christ, the gold meant salvation, and Magnum Opus - fruitful interaction of man and the grace of God. Mythical Philosopher's Stone served as a symbol of Christ, as in the physical world was the image causes the first and last, which may itself play. Stone Philosopher symbolize Christ, because only Christ gives true immortality. The coupling between the Christian and alchemical symbolism in the literary tradition of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was a strong and widespread. But it has to do with this Harry Potter? Very much. Reading books about HP can not help but notice that all are built on an identical frame feature. Let's see how it looks in the first five volumes:
• Each book begins in the home of the Dursleys, Harry How
· goes to Hogwarts,
· Where he ultimately discovers - usually with the help of Ron and Hermione - a mystery, and take action in order to clarify these
· actions are the culmination of the hero's confrontation with evil (Quirell, Voldemort, Dementors)
· Where will return to the Land of Living - Hogwarts
· Puzzle / mystery is finally solved in the final conversation with Dumbledore, usually turns out also that the person whom he regarded as a bad Harry is in fact his ally and vice versa,
° under the end of the book Harry returns home to the Dursleys. Circle zatoczony narrative was a hero, richer with new experiences, is ready for further challenges.
"Half-Blood Prince, the penultimate volume in the series, breaking to a certain extent with this regimen, for obvious reasons. This book serves as a liaison between the previous volumes and the volume of the seventh and final for the purposes of the story, bound subtexts of the previous section, it must have a different structure. It is the only novel in the series, which is unlikely to be read as a separate entity, without the knowledge of previous volumes.
Published novels over the skeleton can easily be reduced to the schema literackego nigredo - albedo - rubedo. In each of the Harry Potter books nigredo initially experienced the soul, during the summer holidays at the Dursleys house and the underground laboratory of Professor Snape. Nigredo gradually passes into the albedo. With the help of Dumbledore and the other "white" characters and props, such as Lily, Harry's mother, posiwiały prematurely and addicted to his disease of the phases of the Moon, Professor Lupin, Luna Lovegood, a girl with a symbolic name and surname, white or bright Patronus bath in the bathroom Prefects, Harry matures to face the next danger. The finale of each novel is rubedo, a symbolic death and resurrection of the hero, which is gaining more knowledge about themselves and their place in the world. At the end of each volume Harry is struggling with evil, always in the 'Kingdom of Death ", in the basement or at the cemetery - from which emerges victorious thanks to their courage and sacrifice, but also supported by the love of a mother (" ancient magic, which Voldemort despises) and ally or object, a symbol of Christological (in subsequent volumes are the philosopher's stone, phoenix and his tears, white deer, singing phoenix, the phoenix finally swallowing deadly spell.)
three phases of alchemical literature, however, goes beyond the structure individual volumes and constitute the entire cycle. In addition to the first three books, which serve as a comprehensive exposition, every part can be attributed to the successive phases. "Goblet of Fire," already contains some features nigredo (Cedric's death and Voldemort's return), which culminates in the "Order of the Phoenix." In this novel, which acts as a nigredo cycle, Harry Potter is broken into its component parts and becomes a person, to put it mildly, not very nice. The novel begins with a heat wave over England, which corresponds to the feverish state of mind Harry. It is vanity attacks (search for newspaper references to his subject), because of the ban is no longer playing Quidditch star and his best friends are school prefects. He learns that his father was not exemplary figure in his youth. Dumbledore is the whole book, almost strangely absent. Harry was not there even to the end of your mind which manages to infiltrate Voldemort. It is a true "dark night of the soul" character. Potter's main companion in the dark phase is nigredo his beloved godfather, Sirius Black (czarny!), while a large part of the action takes place in the ancestral seat of Blacków old house at Grimauld Place. At the end of the book, Harry, refusing to study with Professor Snape oklumencji, falls into the trap set by Voldemort in the basement of the Ministry of Magic, where the hand of Bellatrix Lestrange own cousin, Sirius Black dies. Only in the last chapters of the novel, which reveals the existence of the prophecy, Dumbledore, Harry begins to understand his destiny and his life takes on a new, associated with the terrible responsibility dimension. In accordance with the principles of literary alchemy nigredo end is signaled by a person associated with the image charakterologicznie moon, whose pale silvery light is a calming and cleansing. In "The Order of the Phoenix" is her friend Harry, Luna Lovegood. Strange girl, became the object of many jokes Hogwarts students, willing to be locked in a world of their own imagination, and yet endowed with a very accurate assessment of the ability of behavior and character of other people. Talking about the death of Luna her mother, Harry begins her compassion, liberation from the cocoon of his own experiences and emotions. Interview with Luna Lovegood is a step toward the next phase of the story, the albedo.
"Half-Blood Prince, the penultimate volume of the cycle, would undoubtedly constitute an albedo cycle. This novel is rich in elements symbolizing the washing and cleaning, assigned to this stage of development of the narrative. Since the beginning of her paintings full of fog, rain and tears, zakrapianych parties and potions prepared in class. The climax scene of the novel takes place on an island in the middle of the underground lake. One of the common symbols albedo are white flowers, especially lilies, so many in this book of memories about the mother of Harry, Lily Potter. We can find even a chapter entitled "The excess phlegm." And although it is a Fleur Delacour, one can not reject the association with phlegm within the meaning of medieval and Renaissance vision of man, one of the four humors that constitute the human body. Harry, reinforced by the dramatic events of the fifth volume, is no longer spiritually ruined. While the novel albedo director of Hogwarts Albus (Latin for "white"!) Dumbledore is, in contrast to the "Order of the Phoenix, almost all present time by his side. The transition from the rubedo albedo is often presented by the literary theme of "chemical marriage" in the shape of wedding or death of the lovers. It is no coincidence that the "Half-Blood Prince" which ends with an invitation to the wedding and the fog and rain give way to sun rays. Significantly there is another fact: Harry decides to sixteen for the first time to go to the family residence, Godric's Hollow to visit the grave of their parents. Compare this with the expedition is mentioned in the book sixteen Tom Riddle, the future Lord Voldemort, the his father's house in Little Hangleton. Expedition, whose aim was to kill his father. Voldemort had grown to adulthood as a parricide, while its adversary seeking spiritual force on the grave of their parents.
remains to answer the question of whom, according to the schedule adopted by Rowling, will fall a key role in the final, red phase rubedo, the latest volume of the cycle? The answer is obvious: this will be the Hogwarts gamekeeper, Rubeus (Latin for "red"!) Hagrid. The figure, which introduced Harry Potter in the wizarding world, will accompany him in the final events of the saga.
Harry Potter and the sleeping dragon, attempting to summarize
In one recent issues of "Frondy" Margaret was an article about Georg Sobolewska Macdonaldzie and its impact on writing by CS Lewis. In conclusion, the author cited the text of Lewis' famous phrase of fantastic literature, allowing to go past watchful dragons. Interesting to compare to this phrase to the motto of Hogwarts, which is Draco dormiens numquam titillandus: "Never tickle a sleeping dragon." Lewis Dragons are already awake and dragons Rowling still slumber, but the meaning of both sentences is similar. Using a fantastic story and symbolic staffage using the traditional methods for the creation of British literature, narrative, Rowling can teach playing well. Besides, dragons are extremely vigilant creatures. Harry Potter woke up some of the guards, whose job is to protect the Christian mind from dangerous ideas. Dragons at that, despite the best intentions, colorful decorations that obscure what is happening on stage. Despite appearances, the good that this happened. If the Potter books have been advertised since the beginning of a novel about the pronunciation and the Christian symbolism sięgnęłoby probably not significantly lower after the audience.
JK Rowling certainly is not Inklingiem of flesh and blood on the issues of life, but at the same time it is far from universal in Western Europe skeptical atheism. As she says, writes books, "to understand that, not just a one-time reading" [8] . Harry Potter books are certainly attractive stories about the adventures of young wizards, but they are also something more. I say that you can allocate them to like what works Oksfordczyków famous, trend Christian fantasy not so much because of their leading theme is the clash between good and evil, but because both the story and used in the creation of literary agents provide readers with a very clear message of love and sacrifice of triumphing over sin and death. Harry Potter novels are the literary tribute to the courage, loyalty, friendship, compassion, repentance, forgiveness, and generous sacrifice for others, comparable to "Lord of the Rings" or "Tales of Narnia." It should also appreciate the fact that these books full of literary references to the works of English classics from Shakespeare to Austen and the Inklings (thing is worth a separate article), can be an excellent introduction of the young reader into the world of British literature.
good literary purpose is to overcome the barriers that separate the reader from what is important in life and from what is eternal. This rule applies to any kind of literature, whether it be Elizabethan drama, psychological novel or a fantasy for young people. In his excellent manifesto, an essay, "The fairy tales, Tolkien described the creative process known as sub-creation, which echo and reflection of God's creative abilities and his plan to create. If the sub-creation is successful, and I think that in the case of a series of books about Harry Potter is - this reflects a deeper truth about existing in the world of divine order. "In eukatastrophe", Tolkien writes, "we get a greater response to suggestion - a distant echo Evangelium odbłysku whether in the real world" [9] . Harry Potter, after tests of character, which passed in the last three volumes, it is no longer an innocent child, but young, aware of their difficult vocation man. It remains now to expect the last word of JK Rowling, the seventh volume of the cycle. I suppose you get in the symbolic image of the ongoing struggle in the world of evangelical ideals of Christ and Satan, the battle in which the gold Gryffindor lion, Slytherin will crush the serpent's head, and evil, sin and death personified in the form of evil Lord Voldemort will be defeated by force of selfless sacrifice and love of Harry 'Potter.
[1] Publications OAM deliberately chose as his time was spread a rumor about Rowling's relationship with this group. The case seems to have found final in court.
[2] See . http://www.quick-quote-quill.org/articles/2000/1000-vancouversun-wyman.htm
[3] See . http://www.credopub.com/archives/1999/iss19991115/19991115p03.htm
[4] In reading old bestiariów must take into account the fact that the authors' opinion, then they contain the actual description of the appearance and habits of exotic animals.
[5] The same applies to the area of \u200b\u200bmass culture. "Harold Potter, gardener, and a tax officer, the first victim of Creatures from Another Planet" appears in one of the early episodes of Monty Python and the heroes of the low-budget horror movie from the eighties called "Troll" are father and son with the same name and surname, Harry Potter.
[6] See . classic studies of M. Eliade 'smiths and alchemists and T. Burckhardt, "Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul."
[7] interested in the subject may, in addition to the works of Linden, reach for the study of Frances Yates' The Art of Memory ", dedicated to the alchemical themes in Shakespeare plays, and after appearing in the U.S. biennial," Cauda Pavonis ", dedicated to the history of alchemical themes in the literature.
[8] Quoted Galadriel Waters' Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter, "Niles, WWP, 2003, p. ix
[9] JRR Tolkien," Tree and Leaf and Mythopoeia "Poznan, Ed. Zysk i S-ka 1994, p. 73
[1] Publications OAM deliberately chose as his time was spread a rumor about Rowling's relationship with this group. The case seems to have found final in court.
[2] See . http://www.quick-quote-quill.org/articles/2000/1000-vancouversun-wyman.htm
[3] See . http://www.credopub.com/archives/1999/iss19991115/19991115p03.htm
[4] In reading old bestiariów must take into account the fact that the authors' opinion, then they contain the actual description of the appearance and habits of exotic animals.
[5] The same applies to the area of \u200b\u200bmass culture. "Harold Potter, gardener, and a tax officer, the first victim of Creatures from Another Planet" appears in one of the early episodes of Monty Python and the heroes of the low-budget horror movie from the eighties called "Troll" are father and son with the same name and surname, Harry Potter.
[6] See . classic studies of M. Eliade 'smiths and alchemists and T. Burckhardt, "Alchemy: Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul."
[7] interested in the subject may, in addition to the works of Linden, reach for the study of Frances Yates' The Art of Memory ", dedicated to the alchemical themes in Shakespeare plays, and after appearing in the U.S. biennial," Cauda Pavonis ", dedicated to the history of alchemical themes in the literature.
[8] Quoted Galadriel Waters' Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter, "Niles, WWP, 2003, p. ix
[9] JRR Tolkien," Tree and Leaf and Mythopoeia "Poznan, Ed. Zysk i S-ka 1994, p. 73