Story 3
Style 3
Deep Magic - Old Forest
Diaczenko Marina and Sergei, a prolific and talented duo of marriage and writing in Russia, in this book, unfortunately, failed to fully realize its potential. It is not without blame here are the publisher: advertising book as comparable to "sorcerer of the archipelago," Ursula LeGuin is a very risky surgery. Many readers will certainly buy such a position (like the undersigned), but the guest book will be more severe: I really like the classic work of American women, whether it matched? Unfortunately, not matched by a comparison of these novels does not make much sense. 'The Wizard' is a classic Bildungsroman while Waran is rather a conglomeration of episodes of restless włóczykiju stubbornly seeking a maniac extremely difficult to find people.
World, Waran who travels, first as a young boy, then as a man in the prime of life, is certainly a strange and colorful. Diaczenkom in no way be denied the imagination. Empire, whose power is based on the nearly impossible to forge a magic money, carnivorous, forests, giant birds flying team to carriages and sea snakes, assimilated the tourist rides, all ideas are fresh and well served.
But I do not quite know why this color is used, since the same main character is a colorless to pain. It is this lack of color A monitor is the primary shortcoming of the novel. We do not know reasons for abandoning his beloved, and what makes him a mysterious race called pramaga potter. Or rather, like the reasons we know, but the spiritual transformation which is subject to our Waran and his motivations are unconvincing. In addition, the culminating point is not surprising novel. Any attentive reader as already guess the middle of the book, who is that potter, which was so fiercely chasing a hero, and where to find him. It is so "Waran" just an average successful czytadłem and nothing more. Someone who wants to learn more about writing Diaczenków in achieving their best works really high level of literary, may reach the rather worrying "time witches" and "Waran" treat them as read to pass the time in public transport.