Saturday, November 6, 2010

Imagenes De Genitales Con Barros

Worse, fewer and more expensive.

Our most recent fireplace:

collection history Stefan Fri "Stories without a finale."

soup with a Jew.

broth from the tree.

Miss Auschwitz: who project more of the ribs.

ribs in Hebrew.

Where thou art frequented Black Afghans.

wyjebane me to yoga.

Orgy - as a team sport.

Stefan expressed his delight:

Stefan invests in its underdevelopment.

MJ - Invest in your retardation!

Kurakao - refined bestiality.

4xkura relay.


"It has a delicate matter if an animal, whose movement is alive or dead."


Jared Tylejara.

Mordżitalitajlo - I and II place enforcement.

When you fuck man, if you have no life.

Sylvester Stalone At first he played in gay porn.

Stalian Italian and Black Hassan.

"can I turn" - so banal and commonplace as talking about the weather.

New quiz: "WHO YOU Jebal?"

And now Richard Dudek and Natalia Kukulska zjaraniec will dance dance.

Bania sealed in the Vatican until 2030 on horseback, Rambo and a dead goat on the camera recording everything.

Now Poland - Worse and more expensive.

Simon has jointogłowie. Whew

was gray, it was good. For some time the next story without a finale.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Speech Format For Company Anniversary

Our history ...

30 May 2010, we learned that our family grow. The joy was great, our 6 year old Julia has long dreamed about siblings. Around 20 weeks of pregnancy began to think about your child's ultrasound in the art 3-4D. We saw a lot of photos that perfectly showed every smile, yawn or grimace on his face dzieciaczków studied by this method. In 22 weeks pregnant, we agreed to such an examination in Katowice. The first question a doctor after the ultrasound was switched on, if you want to know the sex of the child. Of course we wanted and we learned To our joy, it will be a boy. We were happy and we want to have to call our 6 year old daughter, who was waiting for news from her grandparents. Then the doctor started to check all the other organs and everything was in the best order, until the moment when he began to see the baby's heart. He stopped beside him and after a long time said that it is something not right. We could not believe what he said and zamarliśmy for a while. Your doctor will continue to examine the heart and said that he saw no barrier that probably is a huge hole, but it was not quite sure. Since then, not much touched by us, suddenly the world fell upside down. Since the image of four heart chambers was invalid and was not sure what kind of heart defect, your doctor has recommended further study echoes the heart of the child. Desperate, we went home and frantically began to view all the information about the defects of their children's hearts, where he did get a series of terrible information.
So we look for a doctor, diagnostician, who could we confirm the terrible news. The Internet has proved invaluable in this matter. As everywhere, there were very good feedback about kardiologu, prenatal diagnosis by Dr. Agata Italy, after a few days we were with her at trial. We kept thinking, actually we hope it is a mistake the doctor that it was some horrible dream. Unfortunately, Mrs. Dr. A. Italy has confirmed that our child has a heart defect, and after checking all the parameters explained to us what it is. It turned out that this is a hypoplastic left ventricle (HLHS) and then described the material and the entire course of treatment, and so three operations, which will have to be done and what it entails. We were very excited and devastated. The doctor, however, began to affirm our belief that we should think positively and to prove his words quoted the case of 3 year old boy, with the same defect as in our child who has passed all the heavy operations, and now lives and grows very well.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Heavy Implantation Bleding Cause Twins?

Birthday in Maryna

Tako happening:

Biedron to the dentist a bit on the advert fervexu.

Bit of bodyguards for the night.

Jesus, I trust you

U Maryna Wednesday a day of ice cream



Pedogej it has class

Cucumber on the wall = ass on chips

Rubik's horse, Pedokoń, alloy

Hearth poetically:

I can not deeper enter Mayonnaise (Kielce)!

It's all collectors.

Case for DD Reporter: "They closed the collectors."

Bull many times drągalach wbijających dreamed of him in the back

Titanic just enter the afterze

remember the jaraniu


Who is the man collecting peppers with vomit?

Subject: accumulated feeder!

Family Gay, Pedoklan in TVgej

I like without a nap

K: (...) and brought up for two years.
B: 2 years (k) and!

Bit: shame that children do not ride the same train.
Bull: This is my dream!

How could I forget:

Word on Sundays from Buliego:
The shop is a woman with a child and brat snout tears: "Mama to eat, drink, Mom."
Dude what stood in the queue responded: "You could have bought baby watermelon. And we drank and the single"
woman without thinking of this she replied: "You can be a jumping off his horse fell. And you have a motion and a potańczysz."

second part of the corner Buliego:
What's funnier than a dog chasing its tail for?
Disabled orphans chasing after his dreams.

soil is one word.

so much in today's issue of pedophile.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Property Of Denise Milani

were the birth and the post spat, pfu hatched and on a full-whore. Tadammm:

Now ... you can fuck with us.

fakerów new series.

pleased because ... so much trying to laugh it came naturally. You looked.

Om Nom Nom Nom

It's dangerous, and it's hungry!

Exchange T-shirts and kitschy sperm occurred in the toilet.



gówniaki (except instead gumiaków)


. Without thinking

sorry, I Nasr in securities

Slalom thought


Dad, and Ryszard

I'm a baker from Auschwitz - I have two ovens.

nominative, genitive


Word on Sundays from Buliego: What's the difference
milk from sperm?
. Try

And now a photo-punch line:

Description ... discretion.

But sitting! To the next.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How To Make The Egg Masterbate

Sylvester Birth "with Nicolas Cage.

fireplace in the series:

Bob, welcome back to get high

Galerianki the Lidl offer ass for the ham and apples

Former water does ice cream

runaway stagecoach

Skwaszony superman

Nicolas Cage stole a mask of the shaman and the last hope of salvation rozjebał